Crack your iPhone screen? Is your iPhone battery weak? We now offer iPhone repair services.

We now offer website services. I have a web hosting account and have been building a few websites for customers. I am still in the learning phase so you can get a website built and hosted for cheap. Warning: I am not a graphic designer so images would have to be sent to me or downloaded from stock photos from the web.

The web site is 90% functional. All links are working except sitemap which I will be updating soon.

The web page is in development. Please be patient while we complete the site. Feel free to browse and leave some feedback. We would love to hear from you!

Pat's Computer Service
is committed to giving you the fastest and most convenient service possible while saving you money. Located in the great state of New Jersey and servicing Sussex, Warren, Essex, Morris, and Bergen counties for over 10 years!

We offer a wide range of services including:

Computer Installation and Repair
Expert Virus/Malware Removal
Home/Office Networking
Web Site Design and Hosting
Data Recovery
Data Security
Private Computer Tutoring

Pick Up or Onsite Service Available
24x7 Support*


Unfortunately in today's world, just logging on to the Internet puts you at risk. We are here to help you protect your valueable data and secure your computer with the latest patches and antivirus software while also educating the customer. Please feel free to give us a call and set up an appointment today!


* After hours support subject to additional fees